Coding Prodigies You Need To Know About Today


While we sleep, there are people in the nooks and corners of the world desperately carving their way towards excellence. Full of inspiring stories, visions and breakthroughs, they have this knack of looking at things from wider and newer perspectives. It may seem a bit of a cliché but these people have always asked why not instead of why and the result is the place they stand today in their lives.

What’s more intriguing is that these truly phenomenal personalities are just kids, some in single digits of age. It is astonishing to note that the amount of perception of the world, the technologies that drive it and the tons of concepts powering the technologies appears seamless to them. Over the last few weeks, we have been emphasizing the importance of coding for your kids but with this post, we intend to drive home the point by quoting real life examples of kids who have actually arrived as coding prodigies and turned the world in their favor.

This post is also a celebration to their undying thirst for knowledge and excellence and a learning curve for most of us. Read on.


Tanmay Bhakshi

If you find the words young and prodigy in the same sentence, chances are highly likely that the sentence would feature Tanmay Bhakshi in it. The enthusiastic kid with inquisitive eyes is not the regular kid you meet every day. He was introduced to programming languages when he was just 5. 5!

With an intention to make his name appear on his dad’s computer, he set off on his journey with computers and tech and by the time he turned 9, his app got published on Apple app store. He has the credit for being one of the youngest app developers and coders today. He is 14 now and busy giving keynote speeches across the world.


Simran Singh

While playing one of the most popular game amongst kids – San Andreas – a bizarre thought struck Simran that introduced him to the world of coding. He wanted to create a portal or a server that allowed gamers to play online. He was just 13 then and started exploring coding with online tutorials and manuals. He is self-taught and very recently came up with an app that detects algae levels in water. This app fetched him a cup at Imagine Cup – a competition-event hosted by Microsoft.


Isabel Sieh

It is not every single day that you come across teenagers who have the suffix Founder of! Well, Isabel is an exception as she is the founder of Girls Will Code. Introduced to coding at the age of 10, her interest in math was paid attention to by her teacher. She immediately recommended Code Academy, from where she started teaching herself CSS, HTML, JavaScript and even Python.

She then moved to the Philippines from New York to teach others coding and incidentally ended up turning her dream into a tangible reality with Girls Will Code. She believes in schools teaching the basics of coding more to kids and works on promoting afterschool programs for further exposure. Speechless!

Whenever we think of inspiring people who took charge of their lives, we visualize Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs, Wozniak, Bill Gates and more. These unsung heroes we listed today and achieving in stealth and silence. Their lives are far more empowering and inspiring and there are tons of lessons we could take away from these prodigies.

What do you think?